Archive for October, 2015


Naturally there are more ch00ns out there from games for you to get your gains on to. I couldn’t stop at the ones provided, and let us be honest, why would I? You can’t always work out to four songs. People need variety at times. I go through periods of obsession where I get so caught up in a couple of songs that I listen to them constantly until I get tired of them. Currently it’s a lot of The Offspring songs. Anyways, on to the gains.



Ever since a Pure Gym opened rather close to my work, I’ve tried to attend at least thrice a week. It normally goes down to twice depending on bothered I can be and whether I brought my gym attire with me. Some people I know like to go to the gym together so they can spot each other and probably have a nice chat about the weather as they’re pumping iron. Personally I like to gym alone. Headphones in and let the melody dictate my pace. During some tracks I found myself going at a leisurely pace when the melody wasn’t that fast, but as the tempo kicked up my speed increased. Here shall be the archive of video game tracks that have found their way into my ears during a workout, updated whenever I find a new one, with some potential advice.

Many names for machines/equipment may not be their actual names, just what I call them in my head.

Oh, I also know bugger all about music.
